Splendid Details : WPPI BABY!!!

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I can’t really express how excited I am for WPPI coming up. WPPI stands for Wedding and Portrait Photographers International. Every year in March they put on the LARGEST wedding and portrait convention and tradeshow in the country… maybe even in the world. The majority of my fellow photographers in the country will be there where we can meet face to face instead of just being twitter friends or Facebook fans. We get to meet all the vendors that make all the amazing products that we sell to our amazing clientele, and we get to learn from the best of the best in the industry. You wouldn’t think that one would be jumping up and down in excitement to go to a work conference/convention, but there are over 11,000 photographers in the country that are doing just that! If you doubt, just do a twitter search for #wppi and you will see the amount of excitement out there!
This is one of the oh sooo many reasons I love my job. To spend a week with other people who see the world like I do and everyone is there to help out others and grow as much as we possibly can to be that much better of a photographer and a person by the end of the week, is amazing. I have always wanted to go to WPPI, but for so many years I have not had the chance to go.

This year I was determined, just to have to change my mind last month because we are moving. I was crushed… and then on Thursday, I decided it was too big of a deal and to big of an experience to pass up on it again! So, I will be hopping on a plane early Sunday morning to get my learn on, to get my networking on, to get my playing on (of course!!!) and to find new and exciting ways to grow my business and myself.

Soooooooooooo excited!!!! Can you tell? :0)

So, good bye until next week. I will be out of the office and growing with 11,000 other people who share my passion! I will see you again at the end of next week 🙂

… and to end with a sneak peak of next weeks blog post about my recent trip to Tucson


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