I’ve literally never not been an entrepreneur.
![I felt so lonely in my business until I cultivated my community and created a mastermind group](https://rebeccaellison.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/REC-Lonely-in-biz.png)
It’s crazy to think about, but I’ve been in business for 18 years, and I started my photography business when I was a mere 21. My company has morphed over the years, but I’ve always been an entrepreneur.
There has been one solid truth through all my business’s twists and turns. My community (of other business owners) has made ALL the difference to the success of my business.
And I’m not talking about a social media community of “followers.”
I’m talking about other businesses I know I’ve been in coaching groups with, or met in the industry or a marketing conference or a mastermind group.
The people I’ve had deep conversations with and built genuine friendships with.
The people I can go to for advice I can refer my clients to and get referrals from.
There is a reason why they say, “your network is your net worth.”
Because it’s so true.
But as an online business, this community can be HARD.
When I transitioned to focusing on my business online, my local network evaporated, we no longer were in the same world, so we connected less.
I’m not going to lie… It became honest, real lonely.
And then there was COVID, and we all know what sh*tshow of loneliness and overwhelm made up 2020-2021.
Deep in my bones, I knew how important it was to have this community around me. And I also knew that social media wouldn’t cut it for me in creating these relationships. So I had to find a different way to be in the same room as people and make REAL connections.
So in January 2022, I heard about a marketing conference the next month in Florida. And I decided to go.
Solo. Deeply uncomfortable, but going to do it anyway.
Because I needed to get in the room with people in the same world. People who got what I was doing and people who I could be in community with.
The night before heading to Florida in the FB group of the conference, some people had expressed interest in meeting for dinner. I put my big girl pants on and said I’d start the text thread. Because I knew the reason I was going all the way across the country was to meet people. And I also know that the only way I do things is to jump into the deep end and learn to swim. So I volunteered as tribute.
Twelve people ended up on the text thread and meeting for dinner before the conference started.
In that group, my community began to build around me.
That one text thread led to a mini-meet-up in a crowded hallway, which led to a bus ride. Then we went on a tireless search for a Miarbel dress for an extraordinary little girl mesmerized with Encanto (we found one – a few days later), then cocktails, dinner, and a cupcake vending machine.
The conversations we had were amazing. On life, on balancing it all, on business and the pandemic. In those 48 hours it’s like we went on a crash course of connection.
On the other side were eight of us who had only known each other for two short days but felt like we’d known each other for years. When we departed to our corners of the country (and Canada!), there definitely was a plan to do this again – and soon.
That was 273 days ago (yes, I counted). It has also been endless zooms, a zillion text messages, 15 individual meetups, over $50k in referral income between the 8 of us through this organic mastermind group we created
Our connections led us to one brilliant idea about cultivating community. We want to bring others the community connections and relationships we had nurtured for ourselves through a mastermind group.
The idea of Kaleidoscope Co was dreamt up, and I’m so excited to bring it to your door today.
If you feel lonely in your business and you desire people who “get you,” People who can help you grow and be that sounding board of ideas… not to mention the referrals that happen… this is where you want to be.
Kaleidoscope Co is a year-long mastermind group experience designed to build your confidence, expand your referral connections, and create a biz bestie community to elevate your business and grow your income.
I am honored and proud to be a part of Kaleidoscope Co and a founding member of the 2023 Mastermind Experience.
We are launching this labor of love today on Black Friday, and here’s what you can expect:
- A mastermind experience designed with connections at the core
- A built-in support system for the highs and lows of taking on this online business world
- An exclusive space to celebrate your wins – of any size, in a judgment-free zone
- A “Get In The Physical Room” event in May
- A network of badass entrepreneurs
Black Friday pricing is ½ off as we launch this new experience.
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