I’ve been wanting to change up my approach recently when it comes to creating free resources for the great folks like you who visit my blog.
When I transitioned from mainly wedding photography, to branding photography I wanted to blog about more in-depth ideas than I had as a wedding photographer. I wanted to help entrepreneurs understand and grow their business. When I started this crazy business 15 years ago, info like this was not at my fingertips. It took a lot of trial and error and, frankly, screwing things up and then trying to figure out how to do it better as I understood being a business owner.
And, I’ve found a lot of joy in being able to share my ideas, my knowledge, and my tips through my blog. Honestly, it surprised me how much I’ve loved this part of my business since I decided about 2 years ago to start blogging. I’ve blogged consistently once a week in those 2 years time and also started to grow an email list so that I can better serve and share my info with people just like you.
I’ve created quite a few freebies that give more in depth info to help you understand branding, marketing, photography and organization of your small business which I’ve heard amazing feedback from people in the ways it’s helped them understand this marketing side of their biz more.
I’ve realized though, that as these freebies give great info, I wanted to share more with the people who have already raised their hand and said, yes I want to learn from you.
So, I’ve decided instead of focusing on freebies that go more in depth to certain topics related to my blog posts, I am going to create something a bit more substantial each month and offer it for free to those who have joined into RECcircle. Which is my fancypants new name for my email list 🤣
I’d love it if you joined and became part of the community! And below are some answers to your probable questions!
What is the RECcircle.
The RECcircle is the folks who allow me to pop into their inboxes every Tuesday morning to share tips tricks and insights to the marketing and photography side of their business. REC stands for Rebecca Ellison Creative, and circle is because I believe that what goes around comes around, and if we all help each other grow then the world is going to be an even more amazing place to be. Also, my logo is a circle, so it just fits 😍.
How do I join the RECcircle?
Super simple! Just come take a look here at RECcircle.rebeccaellison.com to see what this month’s free exclusive content is all about. And you’ll get it in your inbox. All magic like 🙂
What type of content will you be making?
I teach about how to stand out in a crowded market and get yourself seen as well as photography tips for all levels of photo makers, so the guides will circle (ah, see what I did there ?? 😝) around these topics.
What do I need to do to get the guides?
This is the cool thing. Once you are part of the RECcircle, you just have to open your email from me at the beginning of the month to get access to your guide! If you are already getting emails from me, you’ll get your access right off the bat!
Can we get past guides?
Each guide will be free to RECcircle members for the month that it’s being featured, and then it will go over into my storefront for sale. So you want to make sure to get in and download during that month it’s available! Then each month you’ll get your new download access.
Why am I switching my strategy?
Because by signing up and letting me into your inbox, you are telling me that you value what I am teaching you. And I want to continually thank you and give you value each month! So, if you’re interested, come and get the guide and become part of the RECcircle.
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