Hello again! I took a couple Mondays off to celebrate the holidays and have of course added to my husband’s list of ridiculous things that come out of my mouth, but for this week we are going to stick with an oldie but a goodie…
Installment 3 of Words Done Becca Style…
“Negative Nine Degrees Cellulite”
In perfect me fashion, my words tend to fail me when I am trying to make a serious point or tell a story. It’s always at that point where I don’t want to be funny, but my brain decides it’s a good time to put in a quick switcharoo…
This conversation happened with Pete and my mom while we were sitting on the couch telling my mom a story about our recent trip.
Pete and I had just spent 13 amazing days in Stockholm and Copenhagen. It was for our 10 year wedding anniversary and it was an amazing trip! One of the cool things that we did was visit The Ice Bar in Stockholm.
I was excitedly telling my mom all about this awesome experience and it went something like this:
Me: “Well, we went to the Ice Bar in Stockholm which is this super cool bar that is made 100% completely of ice. The benches are ice, the cups are ice and the walls are ice. It’s frigidly cold in there so they allow you only to be in there for like 15 minutes because it’s that cold!”
Pete: ” Well, I mean it was cold, but it wasn’t THAT cold”
(coming from my husband who has had the nickname of Polar Bear since I met him 17 years ago because how much he likes the cold to the Arizona girl who wears a hoodie until it’s over 70 degrees)
Me: “No, it was THAT cold, Pete. It was like negative nine degrees cellulite…..”
And then I pause as I get that classic squint of the eyes and head tilt from those around me when they are trying to figure out what I just said.
And then laughter. Pure laughter as I try and say ” I mean CELSIUS ! I meant celsius!”
But Pete’s phone was already out and recording another one of my best moments lol.
So now when things are too cold around us, I get asked if it’s negative nine degrees cellulite lol
There you have it, another fun addition to the words that fall out of my face! I hope it makes you laugh like it made me:)
To the point I had originally tried to make when talking about the Ice Bar, it was THE COOLEST and not just about tempature 🙂 I’ve included a couple of iphone photos of us in the Ice Bar. If you ever make it to Stockholm, first, bring me with, and second, make sure to check out the Ice Bar. It’s real cold lol 🙂
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