Goals and Giveaways

I help service businesses build your personal brand,  and grow your business through marketing, content and messaging.

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Well hello, 2018!

2017 was a crazy year. While it was great for most the year, at the end I am happy to see it in my rearview mirror and the road is clear ahead to what I plan on making an amazing year in 2018.

I sat down the other day to think about my goals. My business goals, and my personal ones as well and just how to implement them. Have you thought on what you want to do for 2018?

I haven’t always been on top of tracking my goals for the business. I usually make them, and I keep a broad idea of my trajection throughout the year, but as the year moves forward, usually I stay so busy with keeping my clients happy, keeping the inquiries coming in and finding time to spend with my family that stopping and really focusing on the big big picture falls to the “I’ll do that later” pile. Does that sound familiar?

This year I want to focus more on being intentional about what I am doing and why, because I  truely believe if we stay on the road ahead, but keep that big picture plan updated like a post it note on my dash as I drive down the road, I’ll drive a more direct route to my final destination.

And I also really feel the pull to grow this branding photography side of my business (my other side of my business has been wedding photography for the past 11 years).

The more I work with small business owners to help figure out what story they want told to their audience and create awesome imagery for them to do so, the more I love doing it.

So these are my two major goals for 2018

1- Focus on being more intentional with my time and what I am doing in my business.

2- Grow the branding photography side of my business to help more small business owners be able to have strong visuals to market their businesses with.

Have you thought through your business goals for 2018? Tell me what they are, I’d love to hear. And sometimes just telling someone else helps keep you accountable and on track as well. Which is partly why I started this post at all!

And this brings me to topic two: The Giveaway!

What’s better than a fun giveaway to start off the new year? If you’ve been thinking about 2018 and maybe updating and creating a better visual representation of your business, then you’re going to want to jump on board!

I am giving away a free branding photography session to one lucky reader!

Valued at $700 and you can enter the branding photography giveaway here!

I’ll announce the winner January 30, 2018

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Business Coach?

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